Sunday, June 29, 2014

Grace in friendship

1 Samuel 20:1-3 NET "David fled from Naioth in Ramah. He came to Jonathan and asked, 'What have I done? What is my offense? How have I sinned before your father? For he is seeking my life!Jonathan said to him, “By no means are you going to die! My father does nothing large or small without making me aware of it. Why would my father hide this matter from me? It just won’t happen!Taking an oath, David again said, “Your father is very much aware of the fact that I have found favor with you, and he has thought, ‘Don’t let Jonathan know about this, or he will be upset.’ But as surely as the Lord lives and you live, there is about one step between me and death!' Jonathan replied to David, 'Tell me what I can do for you.'" 

David has been anointed by Samuel to be the King, but Saul did not recognize God's will for David. Saul sought to destroy David.  In this passage, the friendship of David and Jonathan illustrates the way that we should show grace to others when we are completely surrendered to God Jonathan was the son of the anointed King, SaulJonathan loved his father, the king, and believed that he had a close relationship with him. Jonathan stood by his father until the time of both of their deathsJonathan was the heir to the throne--the golden child--not only was he the heir to the throne, but he was a kind and God fearing manJonathan seemed to have everything it would take to be a successor to the throneHowever,  Jonathan gave up his earthly entitlement in order for God's will to be accomplished God used Jonathan to show His favor and grace to DavidIn spite of the opposition of King Saul, God's will was accomplished to make David the king, and Jonathan was the vessel to accomplish thisDavid was enabled by God's grace to accomplish great things for Israel, but God's favor poured through Jonathan to bring David to the position where he could serve God bestWe often  remember Jonathan as the friend of David, but more importantly, he was a vessel of God's grace.

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